
A Hero's Burden

Kill Artruis the Heartless.

While securing the aid of friends is highly recommended, Moodle will not be able to accompany you on this task.
Artruis the Heartless ucciso (1)


Perhaps the crystals will ward off the undead gradually, but there is one more thing that must be done.

We need to find the leader of these undead and kill him to ensure there's no one to push the wretches back upon us. If my suspicions are correct, he will be somewhere inside the fallen pillar... the Sundered Shard.

The corpses being dragged there would suggest as much anyway.

I'll place the shards and bring the news to Soo-say... you will need to find other help in the meantime.




Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Choker of Binding Blood-Infused Pendant
Artruis' Focus Stone Spiked Collar of Servitude
Riceverai anche:
Northrend Adventuring Supplies Artruis' Focus Stone
Choker of Binding Spiked Collar of Servitude
Blood-Infused Pendant


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(12581))

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