
My Old Enemy

Deliver The High General's Head to Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Wintergarde Keep.
The Head of the High General (1)


My old enemy, High General Abbendis, has come to Northrend.

Somehow she survived the attacks upon Tyr's Hand and brought a small force north. They've established New Hearthglen to the south.

While they could prove useful in fighting the Scourge, Abbendis herself is far too shrewd an opponent to let live. Trust me, if we let them stand, she will be at our throats before the dust settles.

So, we'll deprive them of their leadership and go about our business. Bring me her head as proof.




Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Battlement Enforcer's Axe Siege Captain's Gun
Mace of the Fallen Raven Priest Stronghold Battlemace
Bloodtinged Spellblade Idol of the Wastes
Riceverai anche:
Northrend Adventuring Supplies Bloodtinged Spellblade
Mace of the Fallen Raven Priest Stronghold Battlemace
Siege Captain's Gun Battlement Enforcer's Axe
Idol of the Wastes


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(12464))

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