
Hellscream's Champion

Seek out Chieftain Wintergale at Taunka'le Village.


You have faced all challenges that have been set before you and squashed them beneath your boot heel. It is because of you, <name>, that the Horde is now firmly entrenched in Northrend.

But our work has only just begun. We must march to Icecrown and we must tear down its walls!

Your next assignment begins to the east, at Taunka'le Village. Our taunka allies are in dire straits and require aid. Secure transport from the stable master, Durkot Wolfbrother, and seek out Chieftain Wintergale at Taunka'le.



Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Borean Smasher Axe of Frozen Death
Staff of the Purposeful Mendicant Fury of the Raging Dragon
Fang of the Desolate Soul Tower of the Infinite Mind
Riceverai anche:
Northrend Adventuring Supplies Axe of Frozen Death
Borean Smasher Tower of the Infinite Mind
Staff of the Purposeful Mendicant Fury of the Raging Dragon
Fang of the Desolate Soul


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(11916))

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