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Le Vœu du secret

Cette quête n'est plus disponible dans le jeu.
If you agree to become a Gnome Engineer, then right-click on the Pledge of Secrecy and speak once more with Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.
Promesse écrite de Suprétincelle (1)
Objet fourni :
Vœu du secret de Suprétincelle (1)


Gnome engineering is about engineering theory shaped to serve our needs! Our schemata allow us to make devices that control the world around us; the manual you read covered this.

The manual also covered our ages old oath of secrecy on our schemata. Once you become a gnome engineer, that's that. There is no access to goblin engineering at all.

If you still want to become a gnome engineer, sign this document pledging life-long secrecy and speak with me again. Think about it carefully, <nom>.



Vérifiez si vous l'avez déjà terminé en tapant :
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(3640))

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