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[Done Nothing Wrong]
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[Done Nothing Wrong]

[Obtain a Freed Red Whelpling, a Freed Green Whelpling, a Freed Blue Whelpling, and a Freed Bronze Whelpling.]
Vástago rojo liberado (1)
Vástago verde liberado (1)
Vástago azul liberado (1)
Vástago bronce liberado (1)


[The Blackrock orcs of the steppes serve a dark master - one who performs twisted experiments on living creatures to create his own menagerie of abominations. Many of his test subjects are as corrupted as their master, but others are completely innocent.

In the whelping downs to the south, they chain baby dragons to the ground, preparing them for such experiments. I will not stand for this. Break their fetters and return the hatchlings to me... to safety.]


Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Amuleto de estrella de llamas Protector de crías
Bastón de cuidador de crías
Te van a lanzar el siguiente hechizo:
Update Zone Auras and Phase Shift
También recibirás:
Bastón de cuidador de crías Protector de crías
Amuleto de estrella de llamas


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
Comprueba si ya lo has completad escribiendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(28172))

Información relacionada
