Notas rápidas
[The Good Stuff]
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[The Good Stuff]

[Search for treasure in the bottom floor of Angor Fortress.]
Tablillas grabadas de Golganneth (1)


[I've got a little proposition for you, if you're interested.

Those Dark Irons were here before Durdin and his crew arrived. That means that, once these titan ruins opened up, the dark irons were the first ones in there, lootin' all the good stuff. I'll bet they've still got those treasures locked up inside Angor Fortress, northwest of here.

You've more than proven your ability to wallop a dwarf. Head on into that fortress and wallop your way to titan treasure.

I'd go with, but I'm drunk.]


Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Capa Extracero Espaldares de Angor
Pechera de zurrador Escudo de cuenco de polvo
Capucha viento polvoriento
También recibirás:
Capucha viento polvoriento Escudo de cuenco de polvo
Pechera de zurrador Espaldares de Angor
Capa Extracero


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
Comprueba si ya lo has completad escribiendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27824))

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