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[Respite for a Tormented Soul]

Esta misión ya no está disponible en el juego.
[Use the Life Crystals to preserve Sindragosa's Essence.]
Esencia cristalina de Sindragosa (1)
Objeto provisto:
Cristal de vida pulsante (1)


[Take this Life Crystal, and have your companions take one as well. It contains potent energies from the verdant Dragonshrine in Dragonblight, and it was my own secret to resisting the dark magics of this place for so long.

When you face Sindragosa, battle her until she is weakened, and then have your companions use these Crystals to coax out the essence that is dormant within her. If you then defeat her, you should be able to recover it and return it to Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight.]


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Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
Comprueba si ya lo has completad escribiendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(24872))

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