Quick Facts

The Necrotic Wake


  • Blightbone – The corpulent mass of rotting flesh known as Blightbone was lovingly constructed by Surgeon Stitchflesh. Now the abomination is eager to be unleashed on the Temple of Courage.
  • Amarth, The Harvester – Amarth oversees the harvesting of corpses from atop the undead monstrosity Bonefang, flying above the battle. The sadistic commander destroyed the Hand of Courage, and now comes for their Paragon.
  • Surgeon Stitchflesh – Surgeon Stitchflesh is the mastermind behind the grisly abominations that are deployed from the floating fortress of Zolramus. He bends to his task with maniacal fervor, crafting the flesh of fallen enemies into undead constructs to be used in Maldraxxus' wars.
  • Nalthor the Rimebinder – From atop the flying ziggurat Zolramus, Nalthor the Rimebinder commands the forces attacking Bastion. The conniving lich plans to rain frozen magic and death on the pristine lands of Bastion.



