Quick Facts

Who Are You?

Speak with 9 Valdrakken Visitors in Valdrakken.
Intel gathered (9)
Taellyn slain (1)
Doria Ravenblight slain (1)
Stalvin Dawnburst slain (1)
Claretta slain (1)
Netheril Swiftstream slain (1)
Orgon Warpchain slain (1)
Pella Keenbluff slain (1)
Leariah Nightspear slain (1)
Varden Claridge slain (1)
Report to Emberthal (1)


Perhaps Cindrethresh is right. Still, if I'm to pick a visage, I should at least give it some thought. I just do not fully understand the concept of visage forms. I have heard that visage is supposed to be ones own expression of self. How does one discover what that is? Maybe some of the individuals here in Valdrakken hold the answers. $p, I need you to gather intel. I will remain here. Report back your findings when you are finished.


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See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(79512))

