Quick Facts

An Embarrassment of Corpses

Deliver 4 Disembodied Souls to Front-Line Stitchers who will craft them new bodies.
Disembodied Souls restored (4)


Look around us, $p. Everywhere you turn there are corpses piling up like mountains. These disembodied souls are desperate to return to battle. We will use their fervor to turn the tide. Rally the disembodied souls around the battlefield and bring them to my stitchers at the corpse piles to build them new bodies!



You will receive:
Grounding Surge Engorged Monstrosity's Heart
Stabilized Plague Strain Steelcore Helmet
Steelcore Warboots Fleshscale Footguards
Corpsehide Boots Bloodsilk Hood
Fleshscale Coif Corpsehide Helm
Steelcore Girdle Bloodsilk Cord
Show 20 More
Fleshscale Belt Corpsehide Belt
Bloodsilk Wristwraps Steelcore Wristwraps
Fleshscale Wristwraps Corpsehide Wristwraps
Gorewrought Stave Power Unto Others
Crippling Hex Pure Concentration
Cheetah's Vigor Born of the Wilds
Maldraxxi Champion's Armaments Ritual Maldracite Crystal
Battle-Tested Armor Component Juvenile Sporespindle
Necromancy for the Practical Ritualist Urn of Arena Soil
Undying Army Bonus Experience


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63774))

