Quick Facts

See With My Eyes

Collect 10 hidden weapons
Hidden Weapons (10)
Provided item:
Sightless Vision (1)


After the destruction of our house, the spiders in this area become increasingly hostile. They expand their domain, and prey upon the few survivors that live here. There are weapons we could use to help protect ourselves, but they lie hidden within the Sightless Hold, webbed over by the weavers that inhabit it now. Journey to the hold, use my sightless vision to see the weapons and recover what you can.




You will receive:
Flame of Battle Rejuvenating Serum
Vial of Caustic Liquid Beating Abomination Core
Gorewrought Medallion Gorewrought Loop
Gorewrought Drape Engorged Monstrosity's Heart
Bound Failsafe Phylactery Stabilized Plague Strain
Ziggurat Focusing Crystal Preserved Preternatural Braincase
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Steelcore Helmet Bloodsilk Gloves
Bloodsilk Hood Fleshscale Coif
Corpsehide Helm Corpsehide Spaulders
Steelcore Shoulders Fleshscale Mantle
Bloodsilk Wristwraps Steelcore Wristwraps
Fleshscale Wristwraps Corpsehide Wristwraps
Gorewrought Tome Gorewrought Bonesaw
Gorewrought Crusher Gorewrought Shortsword
Maldraxxi Champion's Armaments Ritual Maldracite Crystal
Battle-Tested Armor Component Juvenile Sporespindle
Necromancy for the Practical Ritualist Urn of Arena Soil
Grateful Offering


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(60482))

